
When you invest in your education, you invest in yourself. Before you partner with the Shakespeare English Technology School team to accomplish that, however, you may want to learn more about us. On this page, you’ll get to meet the key members of our team and learn more about our approach to helping students master the English language.

Meet Teacher Onès

Teacher Onès of Shakespeare English Technology School

When Onès Antoine began teaching English back in 2006, his goal was to embark on a part-time career that could support a volunteer work that he was passionate about (and remains passionate about to this day). As the years passed, however, he grew in his affection for his job. He aims to make students excited about what they are learning and inspire them to reach their potential.

Here are some fast facts about Teacher Onès and his background:

  • He is a certified TESOL instructor and is currently pursuing advanced TESOL and business English training from Cambridge University.
  • In addition to teaching at Shakespeare English Technology School, he has taught at a number of other educational institutions. He is currently an instructor at Université Notre Dame d’Haïti (UNDH) in Jacmel.
  • He uses a combination of methods to teach, and he makes efforts to stay up to date on the latest research on how students learn.
  • He never forgets the human element. His students appreciate that he is always available to answer questions and lend a helping hand.

The Shakespeare Team

Joy Nelson, a member of the Shakespeare English teaching team

Working alongside Teacher Onès is his fiancée, Joy Nelson. As a native English speaker living in the U.S. and a professional writer, Joy has a unique perspective on the English language. She puts her knowledge to work to assist and support Teacher Onès to the extent possible.

What Can You Learn at Shakespeare?

Shakespeare focuses on teaching general English. After completing our school’s core program, students should be able to:

  • Discuss a wide variety of topics in English. They should be able to introduce themselves and others, ask questions and understand the answers, go shopping, and interact socially.
  • Have a foundation to build upon. Your training at Shakespeare will enable you to continue reaching new heights with your English.
  • Pursue specialty English training. After you have a fair grasp of general English, you may wish to learn vocabulary that is specific to a certain area. Teacher Onès is equipped to teach business English, medical English, and more.